Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sadie and Elvis (s)

It was the Elvis Fest this weekend in Tupelo. I worked the tribute artist performers. Its like the Miss America for Elvis. The older Elvis in the blue is Kevin Mills , he won first place. The younger one giving Sadie a kiss is Cody Slaughter . He won 2nd . He should have been 1st he was amazing . It was like seeing a ghost when he performed. Sadie was with me last year when I worked the festival . I tried to upload the pregnant pictures with the Elvis's touching my belly but the other card wasn't working. I will try again later.It was nice having her on the outside this year for all the fun and its nice to have my ankles back. She is 9 months old and we have 4 teeth. I am thinking a future Elvis Fan is in the making!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The first goose egg

Our first goose egg! Tommy was at a baseball game and Sadie and I were hanging out. She is learning to pull up and this time she lost her balance and her head hit the wall . I had heard a goose egg was good but damn that Natasha Richardson with her head bump. So I freaked and grabbed the first pair of shoes I could find, a pair of black high heels, and off we went. We were quite the sight . Sadie was very wal-mart esq in her shirt and diaper and me in my pj's and high heels. I decided to take her to the after hours clinic thinking if it was really bad they could get me into the ER faster. The last thing I wanted to do was sit in a n ER for 5 hours for them to tell me she was fine and then receive a $2000 bill later. The clinic was closed so I prayed and then it came to me. Fire departments have first responders and EMT's they could check her out and if it was bad now we would get int he ER faster and a fire truck ride. The men were super nice and checked her out . She passed all the test and they said keep her up and hour and as long as she doesn't vomit we were good. So now we have a great story and a cool Junior Fire Fighter sticker we can put in her baby book. You can see it in the picture . What a night ! God is good!

Happy Family

These would have been great pictures if the star of the show would have just turned toward the camera.

Sadie's first Gumtree

Gumtree is a big deal here in Tupelo . They do a 5 k run in the morning where people stand out side the route and cheer the runners on. Sadie was a big hit! Then we went to downtown to look at all the art work for sale. Sadie was actually filmed for a Tupelo Promo video. Her first film debut. I think it will be something like move to Tupelo and you can have a pretty baby like this one. Ha!

One month later

One month later my little bumble bee in her fun hat . It has been a crazy month for Miss. Sadie, she has been out an about. Still teething , it is looking like it will be the front two this time. She has been an adventure. We love it!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Attack!

The Attacker the bouncer . We think it was the hippo that did it. Its the purple thing on its side.

The Crime - Sadie's first black eye.

Sadie was bouncing this weekend and having fun then she screamed and began to cry . The bouncer had attacked

Bath Time

This was after bath time today (Monday , April 26) . She was just so cute , and up to something. Here it is.Look at those great chubby little arms in action.